About the Journal
An annual peer reviewed Journal, Department of History, Cinnamara College in collaboration with Assam State Achieve, Guwahati edited by Dr. Anjan Saikia, Principal, Cinnamara College, published by Cinnamara College Publication, Kavyakshetra, Cinnamara, Jorhat-8 (Assam).
International Advisor
Dr. Olivier Chiron, Bordeaux III University, France
Chief Advisor
Prof. Saiyid Zaheer Husain Jafri, Department of History, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Delhi
Other Advisors
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Peer Reviewers
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Dr. Anjan Saikia, Principal, Cinnamara College
Editorial Members
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Journal Co-Ordinator
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Guidelines to the Contributors and short biography of the Editor
The Mirror, (ISSN: 2348-9596,) a peer reviewed annual Journal (Bilingual Journal both in English & Assamese), department of history, Cinnamara College, Cinnamara, Jorhat-8 (having impact factor) published in the month of October-November in each year since the year of 2014 (Print only) in collaboration with Assam State Archive, Guwahati welcomes the contributors from the scholars, academician, historian and social scientists of the various branches of history and allied disciplines, which have interface with history. All the articles must contain a statement about the existing knowledge on the topic concerned so that there is no repetitive research. This should include preferably the following:
Any work(s) previously done on the topic? State in a paragraph.
- Why is it necessary to write about the topic?
- How is it going to contribute to the existing body of knowledge?
- What purpose this paper is going to serve?
The Mirror follows the documentary-note styles (=bibliographical citations in footnotes or endnotes) and not the author-date system (=citing sources in the text. Usually in parenthesis, by author’s last name, date of publication and page number).
Endnotes should be given in running numbers, beginning with 1 and following consecutive throughout the article.
- S.L. Baruah, A comprehensive history of Assam, New Delhi, 2005.
- Article should be written within 3000 thousand words.
- Author(s) should submit the research papers only MS-Word, no other
Format is accepted.
- An abstract is essential for each paper. It must not exceed 250 words.
- The main text of the paper should be in 12 point and reference in 10 Point.
- Mail address of the paper : dr.ansaikia@gmail.com
Notes: The editorial board has the whole right to accept or reject the papers for publication as per recommendation the peer reviewers.
About the Editor
Anjan Saikia(b.1975) is presently serving as Principal, Cinnamara College, Cinnamara, Jorhat, Assam. He did his Master Degree in History from Gauhati University, Guwahati. Obtaining Junior Research Fellowship, he completed Ph.D. Degree from North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong from the department of history. Recipient of late Vidya Shrivastava Memorial for best research paper award in 2016, Central India Journal of Historical and Archaeological Research(A peer reviewed international Journal), Panna, Madhya Pradesh, Recipient of Emerging Researcher Award for 2017 from International Institute of Organized Research, Chandigarh and Recipient of Publication Excellent Award in 2018 for the Journal ‘The Mirror’ from International Institute of Organized Research, Chandigarh, Recipient of Green ThinkerZ Editorial Excellence Award for the year 2019, Chandigarh, Saikia is the author of the book entitled Peasant struggles and Nationalism in Colonial Assam published by Mittal Publication, New Delhi in 2016. He has more than 22 years of teaching and research experience and published several research papers in reputed national and international journals. Besides, Saikia is the Ph.D. Examiners in the department of history at Manonmanian Sundaranar University, Tamilnadu and Bharathidarsan University, Tamilnadu. Saikia is also holding the capacity of Member Secretary, Mohan Chandra Mahanta Adhyayan Gobesona Kendra(A social Science Research Centre established in collaboration of Cinnamara College in 2nd October, 2010 registered under certificate of registration of Societies act XXI of 1860 No Rs/Jor/238/G/60 of 2015-2016). In addition, Saikia is acting as State Convener of Sangarsh(A civil Movement for Justice, Equality, Peace, Prosperity and Brotherhood), Jammu. He is a life member of the All India History Congress, North-East India History Association, South Indian History Congress, Pachim Banga Itihas Samsad, All India Association for Educational Research, University Nominee of Sarbodaya College, Community Member, UN Sustainable Cosmos, Chandigarh, India, 2020, Life member, Green ThinkerZTM Society, Book Club Member, Indian Council of Historical Research, New Delhi, Punjab Library Association, Patiala, Asom Sahitya Sabha, Assam and is closely associated with many other academic organizations of the Country.